3 Interior Design Tips I Taught my Sister

When you need advice you got to your sister, right?

My sisters and I (there are 4 of us total) are really close even though there is a 10 year age gap between the oldest (me!) and my youngest sister. It’s honestly the best bond and like having built-in best friends. Even though we are really close, we are all very different. I’m sure you have witnessed that in your own siblings as well.

One day, my sister and I were FaceTiming. She recently bought a home and has been working on updating the brown oak to a more modern color-scheme. Off the cuff, she told me I had taught her 3 interior design tips that really helped her:

1) Just focus on one room at a time
2) You have more than you think
3) It’s okay to return things if they don’t work out!

I thought, “Hey! I’m glad these are helping you not get overwhelmed and keeping you moving forward! I’m sure they will help others too!”

So let me explain each of these in a little more detail:

1) Just focus on one room at a time

If you are a designer, you love diving into how each room flows together and how each detail connects to one another. But, for most people that just leads to overwhelm and burnout. Try to stay focused on one room at a time. When you are wandering Target, don’t think “I need new pillows for the whole house!” Just think “Would these pillows look good in my living room or not?” It’s an easier question to answer and you can start to see a finished product quickly.

2) You have more than you think

Often times we buy things and they don’t work right away so we place them in the basement. Or, we store items like wedding photos and trip mementos for “later.” Well, “later” is now. When you are remodeling a room, bring out everything you have before buying new items. Move them around and try them out in different locations. This is what is going to make your home feel like you rather than like every other home you see on Instagram. Only buy new decor to fill in the gaps.

3) It’s okay to return things if they don't work out!

We have all been there: Standing in a store looking at an item, closing our eyes trying to imagine it in our space. Then, we walk around the store with it in our cart. We keep thinking it’s going to work, but at the last second we get buyer’s remorse and put it back. We will never really know if that would have worked for our home, because we never tried! Just buy it. Try it. And RETURN IT. No harm now foul!

There you have it! Three interior design tips I have taught to my closest circle and I’m sharing them with you! I hope these help you get rid of that overwhelmed feeling and get you closer to your dream home. Head to my Instagram for my more design ideas and how to implement them into your home!


Behind the Design: Warm Wood Haven