Choose Kitchen Materials with this Motto

We’ve all been there. You are scrolling through Instagram and you are thinking “Wow! That is stunning! I will never be able to have that because…” and then we list all the excuses like money, location, house style etc.

Well, I’m here to tell you that’s not true! It all lies in the very beginning and that’s selecting the right materials for your aesthetic. All rooms start as a basic white box until you add the materials and layer them together.

Now I hear you asking me. Ok, if it’s just that easy, how do I do it?! Well, I’m not here to say that it is easy—that is why you hire a designer—but I am here to give you some advice. All great spaces have texture, and lots of it!

Remember this motto: Something rough, something smooth, something soft, something used.

Something rough: A brick tile or tongue-and-groove ceiling.

Something smooth: A brass faucet or honed marble countertop.

Something soft: A comfy counterstool or linen pendant light.

Something used: A vintage rug or a reclaimed beam.

Design by Amber Interiors

This kitchen by Amber Lewis gives all of the texture examples. See how no two surfaces are alike? The kitchen is layered with different materials or the same material used in different ways! Your eye is drawn to so many pieces, but yet it all goes together.

If you aren’t ready for a remodel, don’t forget this motto can be applied to accessories too! Adding layered accessories will give your kitchen a lived-in feel and looks inviting.

If you are ready to dive in, check out my post about Alternatives to Subway Tile for a couple different ways to add texture to your backsplash!


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